Testing the Seeed – Air quality sensor Grove – Dust sensor

Grove-Dust-Sensor // Seeed Studio 

**cat meowing is our pet in the background / it is not affecting the LEDs/circuit, rather this is testing the EPA tutorial with the Grove Dust Sensor.  Each LED represents a certain threshold of particulate matter, red = a concerning density amount for long term exposure

Continue reading “Testing the Seeed – Air quality sensor Grove – Dust sensor”

Office Hours w/ Jasmine

Went in to check in with resident Jasmine to help understand a couple things around CSS & HTML. My html had been overwriting my CSS ❤ ❤  We then took a deeper review/ look at Divs, Ids & classes, and Parent / Child methods:


As well as A Command Line tutorial:


And started talking about some of the Natural Language Processing challenges we encountered in our Artist in the Archive class. She mentioned to check out Regular Expressions:

(this video is part of week 2 of Daniel Shiffman’s Coding from A to Z)

See his  Programming With Text Playlist 



She also introduced me a study her friend was a part of at Columbia on air quality for bike commuters. Here are a couple articles referencing the study:

Artist in the Archive // W4

Class 4 – 2/20/19

In this class we’ll dig deep into the data offerings from the LOC. Namely, we’ll learn to use the Library’s API, and make some small tools for retrieving data from it. We’ll also investigate some strange ideas about what other data the Library might hold, if you have the tools to measure it.

  • Library Section overviews:
    1. Catalina Gomez (Hispanic Reading Room) 12:15 – 12:40
    2. Kathleen O’Neil (Manuscripts) 12:45 – 1:10
    3. Ryan Brubacher (Prints & Photographs) 1:15 – 2:00

Readings, etc:

  1. From Code to Colors: Working with the Library of Congress JSON API – Laura Wrubel: https://www.google.com/search?q=laura+wrubel+library+of+congress+API&oq=laura+wrubel+library+of+congress+API&aqs=chrome..69i57.6183j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  2. LOC API GitHub Tutorial – John Scanella: https://github.com/LibraryOfCongress/data-exploration/blob/master/LOC.gov%20JSON%20API.ipynb
  3. Sampling DNA From a 1,000-Year-Old Illuminated Manuscript – Sarah Zhang: https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/08/the-secret-life-of-illuminated-manuscripts-as-told-in-dna/536172/


MARC-Y MARC: Using the provided Glitch template, create a visualization (interactive or not) which explores some particular aspect of the MARC records (authority records can also be used)

IN THE CROWD: In preparation for our class next week, create and account on crowd.loc.gov and complete at least three transcriptions.


Assignment 2: Create a New Sense

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Thinking about various airmasks & air quality sensors this week for my assignment for Intro to Wearables. I’ve been thinking about air quality masks more in depth since the wildfires on the west coast this past year. Thinking of a device that lets you know when to wear an airmask. Example: air quality sensor + neopixels that change color depending on the air quality, letting you know if the air condition would require a mask.

Hoping to start with this EPA Build Your Own Particle sensor guide for 5-12th grade students that uses the Grove Dust Sensor as a first hardware exploration:

  • “Not a laser design and so doesn’t count individual particals but is instead a cloud sensing arrangement with which one integrates low outputs caused by particles or groups of particles passing through an infrared beam for a period of usually 30 seconds. Good down to one micron which gets it into dust and pollen territory.”

Continue reading “Assignment 2: Create a New Sense”

W3: Class visit to Recess

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Visit with Recess and Artist in residence Raven Stubbs  2/16. more soon ❤


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    Recess related readings:

  • Reading 1: Can an Artist Shift the Gun Debate? NYT //  link // 6.22.18
  • Reading 2: Recess Founder Allison Freedman Weisberg is Transforming the Discourse Around Public Art / Sara Roffino  // link  // Art for Justice Fund  // 6.22.18
  • Reading 3: How a Brooklyn Art Gallery is Fighting Mass Incarceration // link // 8.18.18
  • Reading 4: Robots, Race, and Algorithms: Stephanie Dinkins at Recess Assembly // link

Week 3 readings :

Design Thinking Critiques