Motors + Mounts:



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** I hope to attach the origami Jacob’s Ladder in the same way that I did in the Fitz & Servo video below? But to a small mobile surface (not a previously existing one like a kitchen counter). Also, originally I had hoped to make a project with a stepper motor, a moon phase simulator kind of thing mentioned in an earlier post here. However the hardware store I went to didn’t have the screw terminal I was looking for, so looked around for other options in the store that could maybe work with the other motor I had and saw zip-ties + adhesive squares. I ended up weaving the zip tie through the adhesive square to make a self adhesive cable tie mount but would definitely still recommend purchasing them in the future ❤  I’m also interested in thinking about a visual duality that could be fun for a jacob’s ladder to flip through? like this version from the 19th century switches between 2 images?

Jacobs Ladder & Servo Arduino Code:

Servo servo1;

void setup() {


void loop() {


Fitz & Servo Arduino Code: 
Servo servo1;

void setup() {

void loop() {

Musical Fireflies

(Top video = playtest with revised p5js sketch / Bottom Video = Testing the LED Matrix + P5js)


Musical Fireflies

Full Screen link  // P5js Editor link  

Description: Catch the fireflies on the screen to create a melody. As you catch them on the screen, they are caught from the “sky” and appear in real time in a mason jar (as illuminated LEDs). Originally envisioned as a chord building exercise and evolved into a Chance Aesthetics style Melody creation activity.

Once you’ve collected them, you can release them back into the sky by clicking on “release fireflies” button. When clicked, all the caught “fireflies” in the mason jar are released back into they sky (turning off the LEDs/resetting the LED matrix).

Continue reading “Musical Fireflies”

thinking about firefly behavior

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2 of the biggest pieces of consistent feedback I’ve received is how to mirror the digital objects to the physical and how to translate/program more natural firefly behavior. The image above is from a really beautiful study called “Studies on the Flash Communication System in Photinus Fireflies” by James E. Llyod [Museum of Zoology/University of Michigan]. The illustration visualized different blinking pattern pathways described later in this post ❤ Hope to keep thinking on how to best animate the Big Dipper Firefly.

Continue reading “thinking about firefly behavior”